art + exploration by Jennifer Drinkwater


Thoughts about art and community.

Creative Placemaking & Cross-Sector Partnerships

Last spring, Arts Midwest invited me to host a really fun conversation with some really smart women who do meaningful, creative things in rural communities as part of the Arts Midwest Rural Threads podcast and programming series.

I adore and admire each of these humans:

Big thanks to Arts Midwest for the opportunity and platform, and thanks to Amber, Melissa, and Gabi for being game.

So give a listen and let us know what you think and what we missed!

Like learning about the ins and outs of being a community artist or a community arts leader? Check out interviews with artists Akwi Nji, Catherine Reinhart, Jordan Brooks, Reinaldo Correa, Kristin M Roach, Rami Mannan, and Jill Wells, and interviews with community arts leaders Amber Danielson, Allison McGuire, Andy McGuire, and Jennifer Brockpahler.