Expand Your Community Network: Move Beyond the S.T.P.
One of the most hilarious things I’ve ever heard while doing extension work is the concept of the STP.
St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Waverly, Iowa.
This is not a reference to Stone Temple Pilots or motor oil, but to the Same Ten People. Every community has them, every organization has them, every extended family has them. Those faithful, tireless people who do the down and dirty work that needs to be done. Those people whose voices are heard and opinions noted in every community meeting.
This is no shade on the STP. Thank them, celebrate them, and give these folks a break. Instead, invite TOP (Ten Other People) to your committee, planning meeting, or event.
Simple Ways to Expand Your Circle
The first step in expanding your circle is to figure out who your neighbors are. We often use the excuse that we invite people to events and they don’t show up. Consider for minute that many folks in our communities have third shifts, families to care for, and language or mobility barriers.
How can you adjust your gatherings to include a wider range of people?
Better yet, what and where the events that you can attend to meet more of your neighbors?
Make a list of upcoming events in your community for the next six months that you’ve never attended.
Commit to attending one a month.
While you’re there, make a point to speak to at least three people you don’t know.
The key to effective and inclusive community building is to make sure that there are as many representative community voices as possible included during the process of improving your community. Inviting folks beyond the STP will no doubt change the course of where your community is headed, and that is, in fact, the point.