art + exploration by Jennifer Drinkwater


Thoughts about art and community.

Posts in community
The Dream Intensifies: Guest Post by Velma Benson-Wilson

Guest post by Mrs. Velma Benson-Wilson of Jackson, Tennessee and Marks, Mississippi. Mrs. Benson-Wilson wrote this autobiographical essay in response to a 2013 visit back to her hometown of Marks, Mississippi. Author of What’s in the Water: Fannie, a Legacy of Love, Mrs. Benson-Wilson is currently the Director of the Quitman County Tourism and Economic Development, and was instrumental in the 50th Anniversary of Marks’ Mule Train and Poor People’s Campaign in 2018.

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Strange Souvenir: Guest Post by Jay Kasperbauer

It’s present day and a child on a field trip walks into a gift store on Pennsylvania Avenue. Immediately, she confronts a wellspring of memorabilia adorned with the president’s name in bold letters and the year “2024” beside it. She is puzzled by the significance of the year. But … it’s only 2020? Bright-red hats embroidered with a popular slogan tower high. Bobbleheads depicting our nation’s leader, with emblematic wavy hair and carrot skin, sit in a row ten figurines deep.

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Even the Dead Are Leaving: Guest Post by Celia Wood

Back in September, I left Oxford, Mississippi, to drive to the Delta to rendezvous with some Chinese American friends for their small family homecoming. Kelly and Norman Seid had been classmates of mine, and more so than with any other friends, we had kept up with one another, some years better than others. Norman had been a year ahead of Kelly and me, the class of 1971, and Norman had been student body president.

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What's Good in 2020: A Shout Out to Courageous Creativity

This is little embarrassing to admit, but anytime I read, watch, or hear something that really resonates with me, I get an immediate and short-lived lump in my throat. In and out. Like my body’s way of saying “Yo, you need to pay attention to this.” The weirdo throat response has happened so often and for so long and in such unexpected ways that I’ve really learned to trust it. All that to say, each of these projects, organizations, and episodes elicited the two-second throat lump in 2020.

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For the Common Good: A Community Artist Interview with Catherine Reinhart

Today’s a very special day. Today is the day that my lovely friend and inspiring artist, Catherine Reinhart, is in the For the Common Good hot seat. Catherine and I have been friends and artist pals for years. We worked together at Iowa State University’s Design on Main Community Gallery while Catherine was the Artist-in-Residence and Gallery Director, and I taught a class for the gallery interns; she’s generously been a part of lots of weird community art projects I’ve instigated over the years (including this one), and best of all, she’s always up for talking shop about what artists can do with folks, and what art can do for folks.

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A Primer on Why Art Now (for the people in the back)

Art is small-p political.

It always has been. Thank God for that. And by political, I mean Merriam Webster’s definition. Art is “the total complex of relations between people living in society.”

Artists and art-experiencers know this intuitively. This is for the people in the back.

I credit the following three perspectives with wise artists and thinkers that I very much admire. They put to words the feelings that I have had for decades, and way more eloquently than I ever could.

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Disaster Preparation Resources for Artists (to be filed under future toolkit ideas)

Today is a brief checklist on how to prepare for a potential disaster situation. This is a very general overview aimed to touch on topics that young, emerging, and/or procrastinating artists may not have considered or gotten around to. Next week, we’ll dive into what to do when you find yourself in catastrophe.

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