art + exploration by Jennifer Drinkwater


Thoughts about art and community.

Posts in art collection
 7 Tips for Upcycling Frames for Your Art Collection

I am cheap. I come from a long line of proud cheapskates. My mother had us bring home Ziploc bags from our lunchboxes so she could wash and reuse them. I am incapable of throwing cardboard boxes away and I make my own damn chicken broth. I try to trick myself into believing I’m some kind of misplaced pioneer or a diehard environmentalist, but really, I am cheap. So no surprise that when I absolutely must frame something, you better believe I am going to find a “vintage” option. Here’s a list of tips that I use to find perfectly good frames to upcycle.

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Alternatives to Traditional Framing

Last week, I wrote a little about discerning whether you need a frame or not.

And you may have thought “I just spent a bunch of money, so it’d be great NOT to frame” or decided “I want to display my cool postcard or print collection and I do NOT want to wait until I can afford frames for all 78 of them.”

Congrats! You’re not alone! And you have lots of options!

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Whether to Frame?

I once taught a class at Iowa State University on how to run a gallery and how to use the gallery to engage the local community. One of the first classes each semester was on how to install an art exhibition. This involved spreadsheets, cleaning supplies, post-it notes, levels, drills, and lots of math. I get a lot of questions from friends and family on the reg about where and how to frame and hang their art, so I thought I would share some insight.

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Why the Bright Colors?

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that in the last 12 months, I could probably take a pretty nice weekend somewhere. It’s one of those questions that I never have a decent and coherent answer to, and in the spirit of self-betterment, I thought it was time to hold myself accountable.

All of the following are true. Some are true more days than others.

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